Fedhemo - Federación Española de Hemofilia, Spain
Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Cantabria and a practicing lawyer at ICAM. Holds a Master’s Degree in Economic Analysis of Law and Public Policy from the Ortega y Gasset Institute-UCM and a Master’s Degree in Management and Health Planning for Health Executives from UEM-SEDISA.
The author of various scientific papers at various national and international conferences in the field of haematology, haemostasis and health economics and has participated as a speaker at numerous scientific meetings.
He is a partner of scientific societies concerned with health and health management, while also a Youth Fellow of the World Federation of Haemophilia.
Has connections with these associations since 2004, the year in which he became an active member of the Cantabria Haemophilia Association, holding various positions within the Standing Committee of the Spanish Federation of Haemophilia (Fedhemo) and, as of April 2015, he has presided as its chairperson.
Since 2016, he has been the Secretary of the Organisation of the Spanish Confederation of People with a Physical and Organic Disability (COCEMFE).