Acting Chief Executive
Haemophilia New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand
Deon York is chair and acting chief executive of Haemophilia New Zealand, and has been actively involved with the bleeding disorders community for more than 25 years. Deon served on the World Federation of Hemophilia's board of directors for tean years (2010 - 2020), and continues to support the organisation on specific projects. When Deon is not moonlighting for his community, his day job is as director of consumer engagement at the Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand, responsible for all aspects of internal and external consumer and patient engagement strategies and activities. He completed his undergraduate studies at Victoria University of Wellington, and master’s degree in medical anthropology at the University of Auckland alongside postgraduate studies in public health. Deon is driven by contributing to a health care system that is determined and shaped by what matters to the people it serves. This theme has been a constant in his career to date in the health sector.