Scientist, ICMR
National Institute of Immunohematology
Mumbai, India
Dr. Rucha Patil is a Scientist at ICMR- National Institute of Immunohematology, Indian Council of Medical Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. She has completed her PhD at the University of Mumbai in 2015 on the topic of procoagulant microparticles in women with pregnancy loss. After which she joined as a Scientist in the Department of hemostasis and thrombosis. Her research interests are a) technology development wherein she has assisted in point of care test for hemophilia and vwd and has successfully developed others like those for glucose-6-phosphate deficiency, COVID 19 Antibody and b) Clinical studies and trials: recent studies including bleeding assessment in carriers of hemophilia and low dose Emicizumab for hemophilia patients, and has many studies to understand the development and prevalence of inhibitors in hemophilia. She is the member of one of the two internationally recognized hemophilia comprehensive treatment center in India and is part of projects like World Federation Hemophilia Twinning Program: In-Country HTC Twinning" and World Federation of Hemophilia- Hemophilia Federation of India: Path to Access to Care and Treatment (PACT) program: Laboratory training workshop in different states in India.