Christian Medical College
Vellore, India
Current position: Professor, department of Transfusion Medicine, Christian Medical College Vellore.
Working group on APTT Clot waveform analysis under the FVIII and FIX subcommittee in ISTH (Intl society for Thrombosis and haemostasis).
Have conducted hands-on wet workshops for ISTH and WFH in diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders in various corners in the world including India helping them develop ability towards laboratory management of bleeding and thrombotic disorders and a resource person in the ISTH-WFH Training the trainers.
Ex chair of WFH IEQAS and Laboratory Sciences committee
Runs a proficiency testing in India in haemostasis and Transfusion Medicine. This program has helped and is helping EQAS (External quality assessment scheme) in Philipinnes, China, Thailand, Srilanka, Egypt and South Africa. Has 101 publications mostly on haemostasis.
Developed the concept that cell counters identify morphological features of peripheral blood and more objectively than microscopes.
His laboratory is a place of preference for candidates awarded training fellowships from WFH, ISTH and ASH (American society for haematology).