Physical therapist
Hemophilia and Coagulation Disorders Program - University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, United States
Sherry Herman Hilker is a physical therapist in the Hemophilia and Coagulation Disorders Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
She has been caring for individuals with bleeding disorders across the life span for more than 27 years. As a consultant in the multidisciplinary clinics she supports patients in the management of the musculoskeletal consequences of bleeding disorders. Sherry also providesdevelopmental pediatric physical therapy at the Michigan Medicine Pediatric Rehabilitation Center.
Sherry is involved in the greater bleeding disorders community locally, regionally and nationally. She has presented at numerous professional and consumer conferences including The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) Conference and the Women and Teen Girls Conference for those living with hemophilia and other rare disorders.
She has previously served on the NBDF physical therapy working group as member and chair and represented the PT working group on the National Bleeding Disorders Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC).
Sherry strives to continually advance her understanding of the best way to support individuals living with and managing the consequences of musculoskeletal bleeding. Her approach is patient priority centered and collaborative. Sherry’s clinical interests include optimizing patient education for all patients with bleeding disorders, understanding the unique needs of women with bleeding disorders and the overlap between hypermobility and bleeding disorders.