Assistant Professor
European University of Madrid
Madrid, Spain
20 years of experience as a physiotherapist.
Self-employed physiotherapist for 18 years, trained in multiple areas of physiotherapy such as Manual Therapy and pelvic floor, although in recent years focused on Hand Therapy and pain management.
Currently at work level combining work in private clinic with teaching in the Degree in Physiotherapy both in Spanish and French at the European University in Madrid
At the academic level, I graduated in Physiotherapy in 2002 from the University of Alcalá, starting from that moment my clinical activity in the field of physiotherapy and musculoskeletal pain. In 2012 I obtained the degree of Master by the same University, with the "Official Master in Manual Physiotherapy of the Locomotor System".
During all these years I have developed my clinical activity in patients with musculoskeletal pain. Therefore, continuing in this same line, I did my Doctoral Thesis on patients with pain and hemophilic arthropathy.
At present I develop my research work in the research group INHEFIS research in Physiotherapy in Hemophilia, investigating pain in patients with hemophilia.