Associate Professor
University Medical Center Utrecht
Utrecht, Netherlands
Kathelijn Fischer, MD PhD MSc, is an associate professor working at the Center for benign Hematology, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, the Van Creveldkliniek, of the University Medical Center Utrecht, both as a Paediatric Haematologist and a Clinical Epidemiologist.
Dr Fischer finished her medical training in 1988 is a registered paediatrician since 1994. Following training in paediatric haematology and oncology in Utrecht, she performed PhD research in haemophilia while training as a clinical epidemiologist. She published her thesis on ‘Treatment strategies in severe haemophilia: in search for the optimal treatment’ in 2001.
Dr Fischer has supervised 20 PhD students in the field of haematology, neurology and gynaecology and published over 260 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Dr Fischer is principal investigator in several international studies on long-term results of haemophilia treatment, and is the epidemiologist for the European Haemophilia Safety Surveillance Study (EUHASS) as well as for the European PedNet registry.
The specific areas of expertise and interest of dr Fischer include the epidemiology of haemophilia (including use of registries), prophylactic treatment, outcome assessment in haemophilia care and multidisciplinary research.