Honorary President
Association Française des Hémophiles
Paris, France
Thomas Sannié is 54 years old and living with a severe haemophilia A. Former president of the Association française des hémophiles – AFH - (2012-2018) and Honorary President since. Volunteer on the WFH board of directors (2010-2014) and EHC steering committee (2018-2022). He is the recipient in 2018 of the WFH International Prize Franck Schnabel. He is still member of several WFH committees or working group. He co-chairs with Pr Philippe de Moerloose, from the Faculty of Medicine of Geneva, the AFH program in French speaking countries in Africa: AFATH. In collaboration with the World Federation of Hemophilia this program aims at developing access to diagnosis, care and support patient’s organization.
As volunteer, he is currently co-responsible for AFH chapter Ile de France and President of France Assos Santé Ile de France a regional collective of patients, consumers and disables associations. He is vice president of the Council for public involvement of the French National Authority for Health (HAS). Since 2018, he is in charge of AFH Therapeutic patient education working group.
On a professional level, he is a lawyer and a health education specialist. He develops partnerships in care and health projects involving patients and healthcare providers in Paris region. Moreover, he has been designing for more than 15 years educational program with and for patients living with chronicle diseases and rare bleeding disorders.