Senior Medical and Clinical Psychologist
Tel Aviv Medical University
Ramat Gan, Israel
Curriculum Vitae
Born: ISREAL 23.4.1954
Professional Credentials:
Senior Clinical Psychologist (licensed Supervisor)
Senior Medical Psychologist (licensed Supervisor)
Member of WFH “Psychosocial committee”
Member of EAHAD “Psychosocial committee”
Member of EAHAD “Woman and girls bleeding disorders working group”
Licensed Hypnotist and licensed Trainer of Hypnosis,
1998 – date: chief medical psychologist of the Israeli National
Hemophilia Center, Sheba hospital.
2008- to date Lecturer (Hypnosis), Tel Aviv University School of Dentist
1995 - 2002: Lecturer (Hypnosis), Tel Aviv University Medial Psychology,
Psychology Department
1993 -- 2005: Advisor of Hypnosis to the Minister of Health.
1982 -to date: Private Practice: individual & family therapy with children,
adolescents & adults
2000 -2012: Lecturer (Hypnosis), Ben Gurion University School of
2005 – to date: Member of the hypnosis advisory committee to the minister of
2008-2011 Member of the Board of directors of the Israeli society of pain (Treasurer).
1976-1979 B.A., Behavioral Sciences, Ben Gurion University
1980-1982 M.A. Clinical Psychology, Bar Ilan University, Israel
1994 PhD Clinical Psychology, New-Port University, C.A.
1984 Hypnosis, The Multi Dimension Hypnosis Center.
Relevant Activities: Hypnosis:
1997, 1998 President and Workshop Program Chair, The Annual IsSH
Congresses of Hypnosis.
1994- Teaching in a workshop on Ericksonian hypnosis, The International
Hypnosis conference (Ish) in Israel.
1997- Teaching in a workshop on Ericksonian hypnosis, The International
Hypnosis conference (Ish ) in Hungary.
1998 - Teaching in a workshop on The use of hypnosis with Hemophilia, The
International Hemophilia conference in Netherland.
Introduction & integration of hypnosis in Dental and Medical work and in
Medical Psychology.
Techniques of working with formal hypnosis combined with Ericksionian
Privet address: Dr Golan Gaby, Halotus 32, Ramat Efal, 52960 Israel.
Tel: 972522341954