IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital
Milan, Italy
Maria Elisa Mancuso (MD, PhD) is an Hematologist and works as a Senior Hematology Consultant at the Center for Thrombosis and Hemorrhagic Diseases of IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital in Rozzano, Milan, Italy. She is Adjunct Clinical Professor at Humanitas University. She obtained a post-degree in Clinical and Experimental Hematology and a PhD in Clinical Methodology. She is involved in clinical research and has published several original articles in peer-reviewed journals as The Lancet, Blood, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Haematologica, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, British Journal of Haematology and Haemophilia. She is reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals and member of the Editorial Board of JTH. She is a member of several scientific societies (ISTH, WFH, ASH, EAHAD, SISET, AICE) and she is involved as medical member in the Extremely Rare & Inhibitor (ERIN) Working Group of the European Hemophilia Consortium (EHC). She is the Chair of the Medical Advisory Group of the European Hemophilia Consortium and vice-president of the Italian Association of Hemophilia Centers. She has acted as co-chair of the Scientific and Standardization Subcommittee of ISTH on FVIII, FIX and rare bleeding disorders. She has been involved as principal and co-investigator in several clinical trials, and she takes care of both children and adults with hemophilia and other congenital bleeding disorders with a specific scientific interest in novel therapies, prophylaxis, synovitis and treatment individualization.