Programs and Service Coordinator
Catalan Association of Hemophilia
Barcelona, Spain
Patricia Cabré is a Therapeutic Pedagogue, she works in the Catalan Association of Hemophilia since 1994.
Currently she is the Program and Services coordinator.
Her work and expertise is linked to:
- Personalized attention for children and adolescents with different educative, psychological and social needs.
- Attention to hemophiliacs or people with other coagulopathies and their families.
- Family carers, entity representative in the “Support network for Barcelona family carers” linked to the Barcelona town hall.
- Member of a multidisciplinary supporting group for female hemophilia carriers.
- Responsible for the psychopedagocial children group.
- Assessment of educative centers which have some hemophiliac children/adolescent as attendees.
- Organization of non-formal educational activities such as inclusive summer camps.
- Management and coordination of non-profit organizations.
- Twinning programs with: Fundación Panameña de Hemofília (2001-2006) and Sociedad de Hemofilia de El Salvador (2008-2011).
- Collaboration and networking with social and healthcare entities.
- Elaboration of communication materials: specific publications, magazine or web page articles
- Co-author of different publications, posters and oral communications in different congresses.
She is also member of the Psychosocial Committee of the World Federation of Hemophilia, from 2020. She participated in different training sessions for psychosocial professionals.
She continued training with different courses related to the non-profit sector, patient entities and minority illnesses: "Expert patient and investigators", EURORDIS School ExPRESS , Barcelona (June, 2017); Leisure activity course director (April, 2007) and Parents Empowering Parents (PEP): Program “Train-the-Trainers” (May, 2006).